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Thigh Numbness

I usually feels intermittent thigh numbness whenever I stand for long duration. Anybody facing similar kind of issue??

I was having numbness along the top of my thigh, seemed like I had a layer of cardboard on the surface, but I have had a hip replacement on that side and thought it was mainly due to that. Could be that surgery as invasive as hip replacement that requires rebuilding a lot of nerve connections doesn't work that well for MS folks, they really couldn't advise but being bone-on-bone it was about my only option. But- I was given gabapentin and over time it went away, For me meralgia-paresthetica it was: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/meralgia-paresthetica/symptoms-causes/syc-20355635 Don't think it was actually directly MS...but you could be dealing with impact on nerves in this area-