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So after being initially diagnosed with PPMS (2019), it seems I have RRMS (2021) and soon to start Tacfideria - what’s everyone’s thoughts about this medication?

Hey, I started Tecfidera a month and a bit ago, so just got up to full dose last week. I get the side effect most common, the flushing. My face and neck will go bright red, and my arms kinda patchy. I feel the heat a lot more, and had insane heartburn the first week I was on it. I also went through a course of steroids since starting Tecfidera, so that masked a lot of the side effects too. All in all, adjusted pretty well. It doesn't make current symptoms go away, so I still have days where I don't think it's doing anything and I'm not quite at the mark where I need full bloods done to check everything is as it should, or an MRI to check up on lesions etc. The biggest piece of advice I read was to eat something substantial with the pills, and take the pill in the middle of a meal. The downside of this, is that I am not normally someone who has a big meal normally, so I attribute this for some extra cushioning weight wise, that and Covid lockdown after lockdown! I have experimented with just how little I could eat with Tecfidera, and I do find if it isn't enough, the gastro upset is real. Still finding my balance but the medication itself, hasn't been as wild as I thought it would be starting a MS treatment


I am about to be taking off of Tecfidera after about 5 years of taking it following my latest MRI scan. My neuro seems to think that my results show additional disease activity compared to recent results so wants me to move onto Kesimpta - which I believe is the brand name for Ofatumumab. I have my suspicions that Neuros are on some kind of incentive from the big Pharmas to push their offerings. Everytime I move on to a med under him, he has recently returned from a trip to America! Tecfidera has been a walk in the park - I have been very fortunate not to have many side effects and I have been able to keep my relapses to just a couple of mild ones, which haven't caused me too much issue. One tip I would give for the "Tec" is to take the pill bang slap in the middle of your meal. You shouldn't need to eat anything special but I found that a yoghurt at breakfast seemed to help gastric issues. You may get a red flush over your body while you start the meds, but apart from feeling hot and going like a beetroot, the whole flushing thing will normally pass in 30 mins or so. Good luck.