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MS causes: a theory.

I am from Scotland I love my country. Before I got MS I truly believed that I lived in the greatest county in the world. But I cant help but wonder if my country gave me MS. Scotland has the highest cases of MS than anywhere in the world, particularly in Orkney. Also when you look at wold statiscs it seems to me like MS has been spread across the world by Scottish genes. ..maybe

<a href='https://shift.ms/community/people/chrisgate/' rel='nofollow'>@chrisgate</a>, there is evidence that Scotland is one of the world's MS hot spots. But, to blame MS on the Scottish people is open to a lot of debate and requires a lot of research to confirm this. It's just one of those interesting facts that needs to be thrown into the big bucket of various aspects of MS, which may eventually provide the cause. Don't blame your homeland yet...... :)


Like I said just a theory, but there are very little Asian MS sufferers.