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Copaxone to plegridy.

Has anyone had any experience with plegridy? I've been taking copaxone for a year, it's been working except my skin doesn't react very well to it? The idea of going from 3 injections to 1 every 2 weeks appeals to me alot better. Ta muchly, Chezy

I have the same problem with the copaxone. Ive only been on it for 4 months thou, does the pain from the shot ever get easier?


Hi. I was taking it for nearly a year and the injections became more painful eachtime. It was probably worse in my legs if anything, I always reacted to it and came out in red bumps. I did everything, warming the site, applying an ice-pack, it made no difference. Other than that, I've been fine on it and so far have gone a couple of years without a relapse :-). I actually went to see the MS to ask for more injection sites and she suggested that I go onto plegridy as it means less injections and more time for the sites to heal. I have my first injection tomorrow so fingerscrossed my reactions are better.