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OMS diet and Wahl's diet

The Wahl's diet "cures" MS - ok... The OMS diet "Overcomes MS" -ok... But they contradict each other. Wahl - red meat. OMS - No meat. And there are other examples I can't think of at the moment. Isn't it all a load of b*****ks? Saying that, I 'm trying to stay on the OMS diet and hoping things will improve, if only a bit. But in the back of my mind I think I 'm clutching at straws. Has anyone got an opinion?

@wrinkly , it is all a bit contradictory, isn't it? But, the bottom line is that adopting a healthier diet should make you feel better.


For what it's worth, I believe that it's the underlying overall good health that brings the benefit. There's no direct proof that any one diet will improve MS symptoms (lots of anecdotal stuff, though), but there is NO DOUBT that adding medical conditions to the MS is likely to worsen the MS. Our bodies cope with the impairments/symptoms by drawing on brain reserve. Other conditions ('co-morbidities') draw further on that reserve and will use it up faster. So (in my opinion), it's less about OMS v. Wahls and more about finding what works for you to keep you in optimal health. The advice we're probably all familiar with is pretty sound - lots of veggies, avoidance of sugar, refined carbs and processed food etc. The sting in the tail is that we risk paying a very heavy price if we live unhealthily...