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LTD/Return to work

Hi. New to the site. Diagnosed RRMS in 2003. Physical symptoms are not bad at the moment but cognitive ability is declining. Not sure if I am just sharing or asking a question... I've been on disability for 2 years. My current LTD ends at the end of this month. My doctors are recommending permanent disability (due to cognitive issues) but I have not received a determination from my insurance company. Do I keep looking for work or do I keep my fingers crossed that my disability is approved? If I am looking for work, does that put my disability claim in jeopardy? If a job offer comes through before a disability determination, what do I do? I don't feel like I am able to work but I can't financially afford to be without an income if my claim is denied. I'm scared of returning to work and having a relapse that affects my physical abilities.

Hi I was duagnosed 2004 clinically just fine and yea cognitives is declining slightly i work in an office minimum wage just to work not for money i dont need an income but wanted to keep my mind busy peesonaly wouldnt apply for disability allowance that aays cognitives wouldnt let it attached to me embarrassing maybe someone i know at social support i look healthy i have a challenging character dont want to admit i have less ability in that matter maybe apply for other difficulties but not that