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Rebuilding your myelin - exciting news

Has anyone else seen this video, of one of the top research neuros in the country, talking about using two common drugs (Metformin and Clemastine) to get your own body to rebuild your myelin and repair your nervous system? https://stopms.mssociety.org.uk/annual-lecture.html I asked my neuro (who was at the lecture) to put me on these two drugs. I think I'm seeing improvements, after only two weeks. So exciting for me - after years of horrible deterioration.

@sewing-chick thanks for the info... watching the video as I type


Are you doing some sort of one-person clinical trial together?? There’s good reasons that drugs and drug combinations go through trials to be assessed for safety and efficacy before being made available. I hope you’ve god a good monitoring system in place for any adverse events, and that you’re being closely watched. I was at the lecture, and I can understand the sense of excitement and the urge to try this now. Just make sure you’re taking care to do this safely.