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What were your symptoms pre diagnosis?

Hi, I'm not diagnosed just to start off. I've had what I think are symptoms for the past 6 years on and off. I had a CT and MRI at the beginning but normal results. I can go a few months with no symptoms at all and my last gap was nearly a year! It's now back and I just wanted to share to see if anyone else's were similar. Leg numbness/burning/aching/pins and needles/weakness. Mainly left leg but sometimes right. Numb/burning patches in other areas. Reduced balance (feeling a bit off kilter) Slowed reaction times Tiredness. Ta ☺️

Symptoms of 20 years pre-diagnosis: heat sensitivity, temperature sensitivity, skin on legs below the knees, feet, and hands itch, sensory overload, tremors in hands, and MS hug.


Symptoms in first big relapse that led to a diagnosis: fatigue, loss of coordination and balance, optic neuritis, brain fog, fevers, bladder/bowel control issues, struggle to walk (including drop foot), and increase in all prior symptoms. It’s been a rough year... Thank goodness for access to medical care. Good luck!