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"How are You?"

So....What say you......? If you replied "Fine." Naughty naughty and uh-uh... *inserts noise of getting answer wrong on family fortunes.* You're not fine are you? No, that's exactly what I thought. Except I didn't think, I just asked. But I had to ask, just like everyone does. Its the accepted standard greeting which means little; one which I shirk away from asking, and, answering as much as possible. My point is: Just exactly how do you reply to the social construct "How are you?" Its such a loaded question- but here we go, ready aim, fire...... This is the abridged version- the rest in it's fully verbose and slighter than normal sweary glory can be found here: http://marj-o-ram.blogspot.co.uk/ Answers on a postcard..... love to know what you think... answer here or there, either is fine with me angel... (I'm caring like that) x

I never ask that question of anyone, unless I'm genuinely interested and that doesn't happen often, haha.


hahah, exactly <a href='https://shift.ms/community/people/pottypete/' rel='nofollow'>@pottypete</a>, this is my point........ it's a stupid bloody arse-about-face question that you shouldn't ask! (unless you want to know/or are ready for a full-blown response) *witchy cackle*