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Newbie - Turing Humpdays into positive rocking it day!

Hi Everyone, I'm Marion, a newbie to Shift.ms, looking forward to becoming part of this community. When I was first diagnosed I went a bit rogue and started doing my own research, watching YouTube videos, reading blogs and DR GOOGLE. It scared the bejayzaz out of me because it was all so negative and worrying. I guess when things go really wrong for people, they can vent online as a way to express what they are going through. I was so new to it and was trying to get my head around it. I realised quickly that on Instragram and organisations like this, there are people who want to help, to uplift you and to ease you of your worries as much as they can. I can't guarantee every day is going to be 'THE BEST DAY EVER' but there is always something good that comes out of every day. #MakeMinceMeatOutOfMS @ Marionadarlinaud - Instragam

Yea googling anything ms related reads like a Stephen king novel. No googling was one of the first rules I gave myself.


Lol I think we messaged each other at the exact same time