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How is treatment decided?

Would anybody be able tell me how it is decided what medications would work best? Is it based on where you live, local authorities? I have seen lots of the named medications and the MS nurses suggested I started on Terimflouride, but from posts today I can see there are a range of options. In two years the amount of relapses I seem to get have trippled -awaiting MRI so may end up moving to a different option.

Hi, in the UK, it will depend on where you live and whether your MS is classified as active, highly active or not. Have a look at the following link: https://www.mssociety.org.uk/care-and-support/resources-and-publications/publications-search/disease-modifying-therapies-booklet


Hi Leah. From my understanding, or at least how my consultant has been talking to me, there will be a list of medications you can take. The suggestions made would depend on how active your MS is, I think. They will recommend them and give you information and time to think about it before you decide what you want to try.