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Tecfidera Day 1: What was that?!!

So, I took my first pill about 3 hours ago and thought nothing more of it. Was working at my laptop when suddenly, the most extreme heat, like a surging of electricity, was felt in my arms and face. The top of my head felt like it was going to shoot off. This was 20 mins ago and it seems to be cooling, a bit. Not quite the 'slight flushing' the nurse detailed. The thing is, my entire body - head to toe - is blotchy and red. Normal? Thanks!

This side effect is called flushing and it does SUCK!!! I have been on tecfidera for almost 2 years and it hasn’t stopped happening. Some say it happens when you don’t eat enough. I found it happens when I miss a day then take it again. Someone on shift gave me the advice to try 300mg on aspirin every morning and that will stop the flushing, I haven’t tried it yet but I do plan on trying it, I just need to get to a store.


I’ve been on Tecfidera for 3 years and I still experience flushing almost every day for about 20 mins. It’s annoying and embarrassing when it happens in public but, harmless and a pretty normal side effect.