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Recent Diagnosis

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed on Friday with RRMS. I was supposed to be working today, but I just couldn't face it. My head is just going crazy with tons of worries and thoughts.... Thankfully, I discovered this group and I've spent most of the morning reading the content on here. I'm sure I'll be reaching out over the coming months for a friendly ear or some advice, but for now....... I wanted to say hi and that I hope that everyone is doing alright.

There are many amazing ears & shoulders on this site take ur time try not to google or overthink u will drive urself mad, scare urself to death or both!!! Just take things 1 step at a time & try to pace urself the world of ms seems to alternate between painfully slow & break neck speed depending on what’s happening at the time which is the opposite of reassuring & can be both under/overwhelming but ur not alone promise!!! check out the ms trust & ms society for info on an as & when basis. Take care of urself & good luck 👍


Welcome. I am 19 years dx. If you have a mortgage see if You have critical illness cover you may be able to claim. If you work look at access to work.