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What does fatigue feel like for YOU?

As we all experience MS a little differently and as our symptoms remit or evolve i'm curious as to what the most common affliction fatigue feels like to you? At the start i would have an hour or two of dense brain fog (usually in the early afternoon) which i combated by shifting my working hours around. The wave changed times now and again or even went away all together. This week however i have been hit by the thump of just having no energy at all, getting out of bed is a challenge i would rather just stay there. I've found the only thing that staves it off is by actually getting up and moving but i feel i should really take this as a sign that i NEED to rest. How do YOU define your fatigue?

Fatigue is a soul sucking, life stealing sh*th**d!!! Sorry but that’s how I genuinely feel sore subject I’m having to give up my 15yr career as a result- Fatigue- Wake up exhausted every day & struggle to get out of bed. Body ( particularly the legs) feel like I’ve got weights tied to my knees & ankles. Brain feels foggy like I’ve taken anti histamines, processing speed - snails pace Low concentration & can’t multitask (I.e if tv on & someone wants to have a sensible convo no way almost like my hearing affected) burn anything trying to cook etc Have to reread sentences 15 times and still might not retain info Short term memory akin to a goldfish (poor goldfish bad rep) Lose words, lose memories, personality change get answers I might not give usually Frustrated, irritable and confused. Want to sleep 3hrs after being up I’m fatigued all day everyday just the levels of it change I.e can semi function for 2hrs then the batteries run out and I have to recharge. Everything I eat except raw fruit & veg fatigue me including caffine ( my best friend up until 1yr ago) Currently looking for work appropriate for zombies as my career took a lot of multitasking skill all I currently want to do is sleep. Feel like I’m actually getting thicker and as Im sure u can tell it effects ur moods Well after that fantastically optimistic response I bet ur glad u asked 🙄sorry😉


Yes the biggest one is getting out of bed in the morning! If I wake up at my own pace I’m ok but trying to get up early like 6/7am omg I just can’t get out of bed 😭