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Worst bout of MS symptoms…

I was diagnosed with MS two weeks ago but am not on any treatments yet. Today was my first day of my last year of secondary school and we had an assembly in a very hot hall where we had to sit on a floor. Within five minutes my legs were completely numb and my hands were starting to shake. My Apple Watch told me my heart rate was higher than normal and I was struggling to breathe. All this while trying to stay quiet and not draw attention to myself. When everyone else got up I tried to and then fell back down to the ground. Thankfully I didn’t hurt myself in the process and the teacher that came to help was very friendly and let me take as long as I needed to get up and go to lessons (it took a while). I was quite shocked at how badly I was affected as I’m not normally too bad, normally stuff just going a bit numb and falling over. How bad does it get?

Its the heat. The heat makes ms symptoms x10 times worse


Do you know why it is? My teacher said it’s because it’s hot but I wasn’t sure if she was onto someone or not.