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Migraine or optic neuritis?

Hello there! I am newer to this forum, but diagnosed in 2020 with RRMS. Since then I’ve been on a couple different medications (copaxone, now rebif). However I am still experiencing things that I’m not sure about… My mom who also has MS, had the first symptom of optic neuritis. This isn’t something I’ve experienced thus far, but for the last week and a half my right eye has been very painful. The pain is behind the eye, and when I move it. It hurts to touch, when I put a cold pack on it my vision went blurry. The left eye is unaffected. I thought it may be a migraine but I don’t get migraines.. so I’m not sure. There is no headache anywhere else or anything, just crazy pain when I move my eye up, to the left.. I’m always nervous to bug my neuro although I know that’s her job. I have an eye appointment in a week but they told me to go to the ophthalmologist in emerg if it persists. and I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this pain before?

Hi! My optic neuritis was my very fist symptom but not painful at all! My vision would just suddenly go darker on one side, on and off. I had two appt in eye hospital prior to MS diagnosis, and none of them spotted an inflammation of the optic nerve 🤷‍♀️


I've had optic neuritis and even though it was mild I could feel pain behind my eye, and when I moved it. It also gave me other symptoms e.g. I saw colours differently, especially red. If I were you I would definitely be contacting my MS team.