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Immediate post injection reaction....again!

Hi guys! So last night I experienced a second episode of immediate post injection reaction with my Brabio medication. My symptoms occurred within seconds and included sudden warmth across my chest, hives at injection site, tightness around my neck and jaw, palpitations and intense lethargy and "brain fog". I experienced the same thing last year and was told most likely it was a once off and to continue taking the medication. Has anyone else experienced these side effects? Its a very scary situation which requires an ambulance trip to my hospital. The A&E doctors where puzzled and I find im having to do my own research on this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

That’s scary! I would say tell your neuro you want something else! I reacted to Copaxone and flipped to Avonex. You never know how you will respond as an individual. Sounds like your body is not accepting Brabio. Hope you get things worked out! Never good to hear emergency situation, and this sounds very anaphylactic in nature. You’ve got to tell your doctors!


Hi Raceya! Yes I spoke to my neurology nurse the following day and I spoke to my neurologist today and she is adamant i switch meds. Its a very scary situation as I don't know how I will react next time. Did you have a similar reaction? I hope your new medication suits you better!