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Relapse, Symptoms and Stress

I'm after some advice or your experiences. I'm having a relapse at the moment, nothing too serious, just my usual symptoms of ON - headache and double vision - and a weak left leg, which makes walking fun. Before my MS, I never thought I'd have to concentrate so hard on something as trivial as walking! Anyway, I had an interview today and found that, immediately before, my symptoms worsened a little. I'm not sure if stress makes my symptoms more obvious and pronounced, or if I get hot when I'm stressed and it's the raised temperature which aggregates the symptoms. Anyone have any thoughts or similar experiences?

Stress can be a big trigger for MS symptoms, before I was diagnosed I took my driving test and the stress triggered off a relapse in my leg. Needless to say I didn't pass and normally stress won't trigger a relapse, it can just aggravate any of your current problems.


Hi <a href='https://shift.ms/community/people/darrenl/' rel='nofollow'>@DarrenL</a>, sorry to hear you're experiencing symptoms at the moment. The two episodes of symptoms that I experienced prior to my diagnosis both occurred around times of acute stress at work. It seems to be quite a common feature for lots of people. I had a relapse earlier this year, just after relocating to London, finishing an MSc and job hunting- shouldn't have been surprised by the relapse really! I'm relapsing again at the moment and it doesn't appear to be stress related this time but getting frustrated and overdoing it probably isn't helping my recovery! Try to take it easy and hope you feel better soon, Jane x