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No energy when hot

Hi all, I can’t quite describe it but when my body temperature feels 100 degrees my symptoms are worse which I know will happen but I also feel very lethargic & i feel like I just want to lay down & have zero energy. Is this normal? Today for example I literally couldn’t get up the stairs which is quite a struggle anyway sometimes! I have SPMS.

@clairg1 , you're referring to Uhthof'fs Phenomenon, which can literally wipe you out :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/uhthoffs-phenomenon


A lot of people with MS suffer with heat. Some people can't take even an English summer, space suits and paddling pools at the ready! I was lucky and could go to the Canary Islands until the end of March beginning of .April , but not after. I understand that Iceland is a favourite holiday destination for people with MS (if you can afford it) In this country we have just had a week of snow we should have been celebrating, but of course we couldn't go out because of slipping! Cest la Vie