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Advise needed

Hello, I am hoping to gain some advise regards supporting my partner witn MS. he was diagnosed 2 yrs ago but only recently has been struggling with new symptoms, his left side was mainly effected, he could walk without issue when we took the dog out for an hour or more before his leg became heavy and started to drag, now , after ten mins, he is unable to walk in comfort. Recently his right side has been showing signs of tingling and his fingers feel numb and cannot feel if something is hot, this has had a really big impact on his mental health, he has become angry and snappy... I am struggling to know what to do or say, I am a carer and work with clients that have MS , I can cope very well at work, but at home I am struggling and I do not understand why, I feel a failure at not been able to support my partner and just feel frustrated , then guilty. Please help me to say and do right things, any advise will be helpful .

Hi @Cheriedawn ..... I do kind of get this and deffinately dont take it personally. I guess all I would say (frustrating as it is) is patience and time really. Things happen that tbh even we (with MS dont understand and struggle to sometimes articulate) and get frustrated, scared, unsure about people and life in general, work our place in the world etc. and often take these frustrations on our nearest and dearest (just ask my wife). Eventually (read slowly and it took me some time for me to even realise this myself) I ended up taking her along with me, to all my medical appointments, because I think I eventually realised that things that which happen to me as a result of the MS affect those people close to you just as much and the opportunity to understand situations and ask questions is just as valuable, if not more so, to them.


@Cheriedawn If you have a mortgage see if You have critical illness cover you may be able to claim. If you work look at access to work. Are you claiming PIP. He may be eligible.