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I am so scared. I am on my own and have developed MS symptoms. I have not been diagnosed yet, but am having some blood tests tomorrow. I don't think I will be able to deal with a diagnosis. I keep wondering if this is it. I tried another forum but no-one replied, and that made me feel doubly alone. I am a teacher in the UK. It started a week ago (and probably much earlier) with pins and needles in my hand and feet. Now I have hand weakness and my skin itches everywhere including my lips. Sometimes I have a shooting feeling in random places and a strange feeling in my eye. I am fatigued all the time. I am terrified and just reaching out for human contact.

Hi @Cathy100 and welcome to the site. I'm sorry you are alone going through this, but you've come to the right place to find people to share experiences and offer support. It's ok to be scared, and sorry to say, but it's probably going to be a little while before you have any answers. Blood tests don't offer a lot of insight when it comes to MS, but they will help to rule out other things. It may take a little while to navigate the healthcare system and get the right tests done and meet the right doctors before you have any clarity. Symptoms like these are often triggered by periods of stress, and I can only imagine how stressful it's been to be a teacher in the last few months. Are you at least on Easter break this week?


@Cathy100 I'm also Cathy but I go by mybnick name Bobbi J So yes you are at a good place here is everyone is respectful friendly and very understanding. I was diagnosed July 2020 so it's still new to me. At first your going to be scarf that's natural as there is so much to deal with. It's going to take MRis and spinal tap to fully determine things. Yes your in for a long haul but be patient and stay strong, everyone here will help you. Questions or just a rant is what this site is all about. I was you in the beginning scarf, uncertain, but with time and understanding it will all make sense. For now my dear hang in there and keep us posted how things are going or how your feeling.🙂