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Pins and needles when standing up

Been in a relapse for just over a month now, had a whole range of symptoms and an mri showing lots of new activity. I find it fascinating to try and link each of the symptoms to the various new lesions and their locations. Most symptoms have resolved now, but there’s one remaining and I find it super bizarre. I get frequent occasions where pins and needles shoot down my left side, starting at the arm and then progressing down the leg. It’s not painful, but the sensation is so intense it stops me walking and I have to sit or lie down for 30seconds until it goes away. The weirdest thing though is that it only happens when I stand up from a sitting/crouching/lying position (ie. when I get off the ground, get out of a car or bed, etc). It’s like orthostatic hypotension, but there’s no dizziness or vertigo, and my BP is actually slightly elevated if anything. Anyone had this before? And anyone nerdy have any theories on the mechanism? It seems like an autonomic dysfunction, so I’d think maybe brainstem lesion, but it’s exclusively left sided, so it has to link in with the right hemisphere surely.

@Breezy19 Hi this link might give you an answer or an explanation. https://mstrust.org.uk/a-z/lhermittes-sign


@Breezy19 , I agree with @Lowlander , so beware when looking down.