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Avonex vs. Tecfidera vs. Nothing

Hi, I haven't yet even been formally diagnosed with MS, I have had severe optic neuritis in my right eye that included three points of demyelination on my brain MRI and another one on my spinal MRI, due to this and my low level vitamin D my neurologist suggested I begin Avonex, which now, I have been taking for 4 months. I find the side affects can be debilitating, my depression and tiredness has increased rapidly so and as such I contacted my MS nurse to see about taking Tecfidera, however on receiving the information for this and see other peoples reviews I feel uncertain about whether this is the best choice? I personally feel like giving up on all preventative medication as prior to taking any I felt fine, aside from the loss of vision, but now I feel unwell all the time, tired, achy, depressed and bad headaches. I just fail to see the benefits, which is probably quite naive of me, but I am truly struggling to feel that the medication is the right course of action for me. Has anyone else felt like this? Have you experienced any relapses since stopping? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I feel a bit lost at the moment.

You pose some tough questions, @beejling . They're tough because there are no right or wrong answers. Medications are very much "horses for courses". What suits one person doesn't necessarily suit the next. Even trying a no medication solution might not work for you. MS is variable from one person to the next, as are the reactions to DMDs. So, what is the answer to your conundrum? Well, you could start with base facts, Avonex is an injectable and Tecfidera is oral. You're aware of the downside of Avonex, Tecfidera may cause stomach upset and is prone to cause some flushing, which is an inconvenience which doesn't last too long. Taking nothing may work for you, subject to a good diet and a balanced lifestyle, whilst avoiding stress. And, it may not. There are no right and wrong answers for you. It's down to trial and error, just like the rest of us. :wink:


Hi Beejling, I am in an almost identical situation as you were a year ago. What did you end up doing?