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Sex, M.S. and the Married Lady

I have been married for almost 20 years and I love my husband very much. I have already gone through menopause and I have issues with my legs. I have spasticity and loss of feeling in some of my lady parts. I want to ask my doctor about hormone therapy, but I wonder how it will fit with my m.s. Anyone have thoughts about this? Any advice?

@avengr13 , I have no personal experience, but here's a couple of articles that may help regarding HRT :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/menopause http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Living-Well-With-MS/Family-and-Relationships/Menstrual-Cycle-and-Menopause And for general sexual issues for women := http://support.mstrust.org.uk/file/sexuality-and-ms-women.pdf


How long has the loss of feeling affected you? I suffered from the same last year for several months but the feeling did come back and everything in that department has been nornal since. Could it be temporary in your case too? I hope you get it resolved.x