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Don't know anyone else with MS...

...so I thought I'd introduce myself here. I was diagnosed in May 2016 (Friday the 13th, lucky me) with relapsing remitting MS after being unable to walk in February and then having severe diplopia and nystagmus in April. The diplopia and the nystagmus are still here nearly three months later, although it's better than it was. I have had symptoms since I was 15, and I suffer very, very severely from chronic migraines and hemiplegic migraines. I have a German Shepherd who I love more than anything and I'm a proofreader by trade, although I will also be training as a copy editor in the coming months!

Hi @abby_atkinson and welcome. Well, you know a few people with MS now - a few thousand! :wink:


Thanks @Stumbler. Yes, it will be nice to speak to people who have the same condition.