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Hi - Someone I know who also also suffers from MS (Well, she has PPMS) has started taking a new drug called Tecfidera. Does anyone have more information or want to share their own experiences with this? I've heard the side effects are awful.

@KSnoop , there are a few members that are on Tecfidera. Hopefully, they will pass on their first-hand experience. From what I've heard, Tecfidera can cause stomach upset, so the instructions about taking the drug following a meal do need to be followed to mitigate this risk. The other thing that I've heard is that the drug can cause flushing shortly after taking it. This may be a little uncomfortable and embarrassing, but doesn't seem to last too long. Flushing does seem to diminish as the body gets used to the drug. Having said all that, Tecfidera is one of the Disease Modifying Drugs (DMDs) that are used to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses in relapsing/Remitting MS (RRMS). I don't believe that it has been approved for Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) as relapses aren't a feature of PPMS. Perhaps your friend has a neurologist who follows his initiative, rather than the NICE guidelines.


Hi @KSnoop I've been on Tecfidera since November, first DMD I've been on. Side effects, all I've had is a bit of flushing and wasn't bad at all. I haven't had any stomach problems (cramps and diarrhea) which some have have spoke about. Personally I believe you need to nourish your body correcting before taking it. I have meal replacement shake made with soya or coconut milk one hour before I take the Tecfidera. Everyone is different and reacts differently but personally I think it's okay. Message me if you would like to know anything else. Lucinda