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Hi guys. Just a quick question. Here's an overview... I have clonus at the moment and it's severe. I'm due to see my neurologist soon who my physio believes will give me baclofen. My GP didn't want to give it to me because it may make many of my other symptoms worse. If I go on this, will I be able to work? I have been off work with my clonus and I am still off as I cannot walk and on double crutches x

@chloeautumnx , everyone seems to be different, so we have to try these things to see if they can help. Baclofen is a muscle relaxant, so it sounds like it is in the right ballpark. However, it may be a case of finding the right dose for you. If the dose is too high, you could relax the muscles too far, giving you "jelly-legs". This may be what your GP is concerned about. You have to find the right medications, with the right dosage, that suits you.


Thanks @stumbler. I'm just worried that it's such strong stuff and it recommends that you don't drive, that I won't be any better off but I guess I need to try. I just wondered if I can work whilst taking this medication. X